Thursday, October 9, 2008

It Lives!

Hey, how's this for blog maintenance? Over six months and a whole season of PR. This time I like all of the finalists, each in their own little way. I actually think that Leanne will win based on the buzz from Fashion Week.

The new job alluded to in the previous post has been...interesting... I expected more work, but not the heightened drama. We'll see how that goes.

I've been doing the barbeque at the bar all summer and that has been fun. I may not have gone into any detail about that in the past, although I see that I've referenced it, so why not now?

In addition to my job as a corporate whore, I spend most of my Sundays cooking at a little neighborhood bar in Chicago's Boystown area called Buck's.

It has been my regular hangout for a long time and I've been working there for about 4 years or so in one capacity or another. In general, I tell customers (and anyone else I can corner) that I am their culinary director. Almost anytime that food is involved, I am there. I have had a long history in the service industry before getting older and deciding to spread my legs for a 401k and health insurance. I'll go into more detail on that part of my life in later posts, probably in time for Top Chef.

In the summer, we open the back patio and I grill burgers and dogs for our sports teams and whoever else decides to stop by. We also host a lot of private parties, which can be a lot of fun. In the winter, things slow down a bit and we bring things inside for the football season. That's when I get to do more creative cooking. I get $20 - $30 to make one-dish meals like chili, pasta, roasts, soups, etc. If I am feeling especially creative, and the stuff is on sale, I'll even whip up a Coq au Vin or cassoulet. It gets me out of the house and I enjoy hanging out with the regulars and staff. Since I work about 50-60 hours a week, this is pretty much my social outlet. It's fun, not sad!

I also get to bartend when my schedule allows, which is always a lot of fun. This is a neighborhood place and as such, it's not full of bunches of pretty posers and buffed clones. The clientele is a wonderful mix of characters from guys-next-door, or rich business folks to sketchy twinks and other bar/restaurant staff (and yes, very pretty posers and buff clones as well). Always a great place to talk. It's becoming quite popular with a lot of straight customers as well, who enjoy the no-bullshit attitude and welcoming atmosphere. There's the regular drama that comes from a bunch of people drinking a lot and spending time together (like any family) but I manage to be able to keep above any pettiness, while still enjoying some good harmless gossip.

Although I have mentioned quite a few "types" here, it's just for exposition. I am generally open to being friends with anyone with a brain and the ability to communicate. I’ve also worked very hard over the years so that I can now see something interesting in almost anyone. Chalk that up to my Aquarian nature, as I do love a freakshow. I tend to attract, and be attracted to, folk with interesting character quirks and/or something unique about them. It gets me in trouble every now and then, because the fine line between interestingly eccentric and dangerously crazy is never quite where you expect it to be. Viva la diffĂ©rence!